Friends and Family (FFT) Results

Below are the results of our FFT survey, which asks patients the question "Overall, how was your experience of our service?"

Month/Year Very Good Good 

Neither Good         nor Poor 

Poor  Very Poor Dont Know  Number of responses 
June 2024 176 20 1 3 0 0 200
May 2024 159 18 4 2 0 0 183
April 2024 186 16 3 0 2 2 209
March 2024 190 23 6 1 3 0 223
February 2024 186 22 9 4 1 0 222
January 2024 199 29 8 5 0 0 241
 December 2023   222  22  3  1    249
 November 2023 120 9  0  0  0  0  129
October 2023 5 2 1  0 1   0  9
September 2023 139 8 2 1 4  0 154
August 2023  167 25 4  0 2  0 198
July 2023  86 19 5 1 1  0 112
June 2023  2 3  0 1  0 6